Paintings |
Statement |
"And Then It Happened..." oil on (7) canvases
over panel,
attached, 20" x 84" |
"Be A Good Whistler" oil on
Baltic Birch panel, 18" diameter |
"Short Pants Romance" oil on (3)
canvases over panel, attached, 24" x 54" |
"Given an Option of Chocolate" oil
on (3) canvases over panel, attached, 24" x 54" |
"The Staggerer" oil on canvas over
panel, 36" x 48" |
"Jibber Jabber Man" oil on (3)
canvases over panel, attached, 24" x 54" |
"Mumblety Peg" oil on canvas over
panel, 42" x 36" |
"On The Fritz" oil on (3) canvases
over panel, attached, 24" x 45" |
"The Undertow Smells Like
Honeysuckle" oil on (7) canvases over panel,
attached, 20" x 84" |
"Free Dirt" oil on (3) canvases over
panel, attached, 22" x 36" |
"No Use, Antler Man" oil on (3)
canvases over panel, attached, 24" x 54" |
"Ex-Lion Tamer Moves In With His
Mother" oil on (5) canvases over panel, attached, 24" x 87" |
"Cottage Chum" oil on (3) canvases
over panel, attached, 20" x 43" |
"Lost Love Letter, Found" oil on (3)
canvases over panel, attached, 16" x 42" |